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High Protein Food Items You Should Eat

What is Protein?

Proteins are comprised of thousands of more modest units known as amino acids, which are connected to each other in chains. 20 different kinds of amino acids are combined together to make protein. It is a supplement your body needs to develop and fix cells and work appropriately. High Protein food items also help in health goals such as building muscle and weight loss.  Picking the right food sources while eating a high-protein diet is significant for maximum effectiveness. The below article shows which food items are high in protein and their protein values;

Nutritional value of protein

The nutritional value of a protein is estimated by the number of fundamental amino acids it contains.

Various food items contain various measures of fundamental amino acids.

  • Plant Proteins such as nuts, beans, and whole grains.
  • Animal Proteins such as Chicken, fish, and dairy products.

It does not depend upon how much you intake protein, it depends upon what Quality it is.

Which are High Protein Food Items?


Chicken is also known as ‘complete protein’ contains very-high quality protein.  Along with the protein, chicken also contains carbs, fats, and fiber. It is also loaded up with top-quality proteins and doesn’t contain a lot of fat – particularly if you eat lean cuts. Chicken also contains Vitamin B12, Tryptophan, Choline, Zinc, Iron, and also Copper. You would be stunned to understand that 100 grams of chicken have around 27 grams of protein.


Since the preparation of the chicken, people have been getting a charge out of and taking care of themselves with eggs. Eggs are useful for nutrients like vitamins D and B12 which are hard to get from a regular diet. Eggs are high in protein but low in calories. A boiled egg white contains 6.28 grams of protein with only 70 to 75 calories.


Peanuts are likewise called groundnuts, earthnuts, and goobers. Peanuts are wealthy in protein, fat, and different healthy nutrients. They additionally contain a lot of potassium, phosphorous, magnesium, and B vitamins. Despite being high in calories, peanuts are low in carbohydrates. 100 grams of raw peanuts consists of 26 grams of protein.

Sea Food

One of the best things about seafood is that it contains a lot of Protein. Seafood is a protein source, which is easy to digest. It contains all three amino acids, which a particular body requires. Seafood is viewed as low in both complete fat and saturated fat. Compared with different sources of protein like poultry, nuts, seeds, vegetables, meat, and pork, fish protein is lower in calories. It also helps in building muscle as 100 grams of Seafood consists of 29 grams of protein.


Paneer is an Indian cheese that is produced using soured milk. An Individual can consume Paneer daily according to its protein needs. When paneer is produced using milk, the water that remaining parts behind is whey protein. People usually throw it however you can drink it for your portion of protein. 100 grams of paneer consists of 23 grams of protein.


Almonds are naturally a seed. However, people name them with a group of nuts and consider them to be a high protein option. It also sources of Vitamin E, Fiber, Calcium and Magnesium. Almonds are available raw, blanched, dry-roasted, and oil-roasted. 35 grams (a cup) of almonds consist of a total of 7 grams of protein.


Yogurt is a Dairy product created by the bacterial maturation of milk. It is very high in vitamin B, particularly in vitamin B12 (animal-based yogurt only).  Yogurt contains 10 grams of protein consuming every 100 grams of Yogurt. Yogurt can also be added in a muscle-building diet. It contains Lactic acid which makes it a distinctive flavor.

Skimmed Milk (also known as fat-free or non-fat milk)

Skimmed milk is made when all the milk fat is taken out from the whole milk.  Skimmed milk contains on normal 3.7grams of protein per 100mL or 9.2 grams in a cup (250mL)

Protein Intake as per Individual’s Body

According to the Dietary Reference Intake report, an adult should consume 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. The amount of protein you need depends on many factors, including your activity level, age, muscle mass, physique goals, and overall health.

Can eating too much protein cause health problems?

Perhaps you’ve heard a few scary things regarding how an excess of protein can harm your kidneys and liver. In any case, before you throw out the entirety of your chicken legs and protein powder, we’re here to tell you not to stress!

The genuine medical problem you should remember about protein is that our bodies can’t store protein. So when the proportion of protein is reached the maximum limit, our bodies will change over additional protein into energy or fat.



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