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Using Massage Chairs to Get the Best Mornings 2022

Sleep is supposed to be the most effective way for our body to recuperate and recharge our batteries, but for a lot of us, this doesn’t seem to be enough. We wake up with pain in our shoulders, neck, lower back, and overall feel even more exhausted than when we plopped down on the bed the night before. In normal cases, that feeling of tiredness just after waking up is just our bodies trying to transition from being asleep to fully awake. It’s when this feeling, coupled with muscle pains, sticks with you for more than a couple of hours does it become a legitimate cause for concern. Sound familiar to you? Well, worry not, because we might just have the solution that can put an end to these terrible mornings: your very own massage chair!

Why do we get muscle pains in the morning?

The muscle pains we get in the morning could be caused by a combination of several factors that are both within and beyond our control, so it’s never just one sole reason. Having a pillow for your head that feels like a brick is uncomfortable enough, but sleeping on your back will make the experience much worse because it constricts your breathing and puts a lot of pressure on your neck and shoulders. If you prefer sleeping on their side, a bad mattress could restrict blood flow to your arms and hurt your shoulders.

During sleep, the body is also trying to repair microscopic tears in the muscles caused by our daily physical activities. When we don’t get enough sleep, we are interrupting this cycle of repair, causing the damages to gradually stack up and intensify as time passes.

How can massage chairs help?

A massage chair may not get you a better mattress, but it can help your body prepare before going to sleep in order to maximize the benefits you can get from it. Thankfully, with the advent of new technology, massage chairs like the JP Medics Kumo don’t require that much time to set up because of its built-in dynamic software that can be activated with the sound of your voice or a couple of quick inputs. This way, you can use your massage chair seamlessly between a long day at work and before going to sleep. Other benefits include:


  • Pre and Post Sleep Stretching – a lot of people underestimate the benefits of having a good stretch right before and after a night of sleep. Just like how we need to stretch before working out, doing so before going to bed makes our muscles and joints more flexible, allowing for a greater range of motion while we sleep. This will prevent muscle cramps, pins and needles, and stiffness of muscles in the neck and shoulders. Likewise, using one once you wake up can prepare your body for the day, reducing the risk of injuries while you’re at work. The Daiwa Supreme Hybrid massage chair is a great example of a massage chair that helps the body stretch using Hybriflex bendable roller tracks. This unique technology gives the body a natural stretch while also reaching deeper into muscles that other massage chairs normally can’t.



  • Improves Blood Circulation – The heat therapy that you can get from most modern massage chairs relax blood vessels and soothe muscle tensions. By allowing blood to flow more freely across the body, your cells can exchange gasses and waste more efficiently, speeding up the recovery and repair process. Models like the Osaki Maestro LE massage chair have heated rollers that offer a very similar experience to hot stone therapy. This massage chair is also perfect for people who suffer from hypertension.



  • Getting to Sleep faster – For some people, the discomfort they feel in the morning is caused simply by a lack of enough sleep. Eight hours is the standard that sleeping experts recommend for adults which, unfortunately, not a lot of people actually get due to busy work schedules, sleeping disorders, or both. A short session on a massage chair can easily lull almost anyone to sleep by relaxing the body and putting the mind in a state of calmness.



The major causes of morning muscle pains are bad sleeping habits that we sometimes have little control over. However, through the use of massage chairs with features specifically built to alleviate the common causes of these habits, we can mitigate and prevent their negative effects and improve the quality of sleep overall. Doing so will make our mornings more refreshing, giving us the mental and physical energy we need to tackle the challenges that await us every day. So what are you waiting for? Get your own massage chair today!

The Modern Back is a trustworthy retailer of massage chairs in Miami, Florida and other areas including Boynton Beach and Sarasota Florida. We offer the best deals for top-rated massage chairs like the ones featured in this article. Visit us in our live showrooms if you are in the area, or browse our catalog of massage chairs, lift chairs, and recliners on our website. 



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