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Innovative methods to Build a Sustainable Living House

Well! Most of us are still unaware of the term “sustainable home,” so we don’t know what it exactly is. A sustainable home is a home that is built using materials that are not harmful to the environment. These homes are constructed without the use of toxic chemicals, heavy metals, or non-renewable resources. A sustainable home uses renewable resources and recycles them whenever possible. These houses are environmentally friendly, free of dangerous substances, comfortable, and economical for all. 

As we said, it is made using renewable resources, but that doesn’t mean that they are not durable. In fact, sustainable homes are built to last for many years, and they are quite easy to maintain. Such houses can be designed using renewable natural resources that can be replenished naturally over time and by recycling old items and turning them into something beautiful. 

Also, we need to consider each and everything eco-friendly while building a sustainable house. From building materials and methods to decor, everything in a sustainable house should be eco-friendly and reusable. Furthermore, we also create healthy habits of conserving electricity and disposing of household and bodily waste. 

13 Innovative Ideas to Build a Sustainable Living House

Sustainable housing is a dream of many. However, only a few of them can make this dream a reality. If you are planning to design your house to be sustainable and environmentally friendly, you can follow these 13 innovative ideas to make a sustainable home while keeping it modern.

1. Energy Efficiency

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Energy efficiency is the practice of using less energy than necessary for a given task. In the case of houses, this means making sure they use less energy than they need to operate. There are many ways to do this, including insulated walls, floors, and ceilings, weather stripping, double-glazed windows, and proper ventilation.

Insulation keeps heat/cooling inside the home and prevents it from escaping. Weatherstripping seals off air leaks around doors and windows. Ventilation helps cool the interior of the home by bringing fresh air in and exhausting stale air out. Properly ventilated homes have lower utility bills. You can also install solar panels according to your budget that use the sun’s rays to generate electricity. Using solar power panels is one of the best ways to reduce our carbon footprint and save money at the same time. 

2. Water Conservation

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Water is the most essential thing to humans, and it is vital to conserve water for a better future. As we already discussed, a sustainable house promotes nature-friendly living ideas. Hence, it is mandatory to install a water conservation system in a sustainable living house

Through the water conservation system, anyone can save water in different ways, and they can further utilize the water by not wasting it, recycling it, and reusing it. 

Wasting water is the act of flushing toilets unnecessarily, taking baths instead of showers, and letting faucets run while brushing teeth. Recycling water is the act of collecting and reusing wastewater. Reusing water is the act of washing dishes, rinsing vegetables, watering lawns, and bathing pets. You can also install rain barrels or cisterns for rainwater harvesting as it is a great way to collect water for drinking and irrigation purposes. The barrels and cisterns will collect the rainwater runoff from your roof and store it for later use.

3. Use energy-efficiency devices 

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You people can anytime start using certified energy-saving products instead of using standard electrical appliances. There are several ways to do so. You can use a passive heating system in your house and use natural elements to provide warmth. To run a heavy-duty electric device, you can install solar panels. Apart from this, geothermal heating systems are also a great alternative to standard electrical appliances. It runs by using the earth’s core temperature as heat instead of burning fossil fuels. 

4. Be vocal for local

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Using local products to construct your house is the wise choice to reduce the degradation of the environment. No matter whether you want a modern-looking house or a traditional one, there are multiple options available in the market for everything. Use wood instead of concrete, bricks, and stones; use plants and grass instead of modern home decor, and there are so many attributes where you can choose an environment-friendly alternative to design a sustainable house. 

Materials that are produced locally can be transported easily and cheaply. Local materials are also less likely to be contaminated by heavy metals or chemicals, and it is a great idea to make a house sustainable.

5. Minimizing resource wastage

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Waste reduction is the practice of reducing the amount of garbage produced in our everyday lives. One way to reduce waste is to reuse items rather than throw them away. Composting is another way to cut waste. It is the process of breaking down organic matter (like food scraps) into smaller pieces called compost. Composting reduces the volume of trash that ends up in landfills.

6. Use composting toilets

Composting your toilets is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. Composting toilets take human waste and turn it into fertilizer for your garden. They are also biodegradable and don’t leave behind harmful chemicals.

7. Reuse greywater

Greywater is wastewater that comes from washing clothes, dishes, and bathing. If you use greywater wisely, then you will be able to save millions of gallons of freshwater annually. You can reuse it in flushes, gardening, and car washing. 

8. Install wind turbines to generate energy

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Wind turbines harness wind energy to convert mechanical movement into electrical energy. A turbine converts kinetic energy from the wind into rotational energy. This rotational energy is transferred to a generator, where the rotation is converted into electric current.

9. Use recycled materials

If you want to build an environmentally friendly house, then you should use recycled materials. There are many ways to recycle old materials into new ones. You can use old wood to make furniture, old bricks to create a wall, and even old metal to make a roof. By using recycled materials, you not only help save the environment, but you also save money.

10. Reduce consumption

Last but not least, reducing consumption is a great way to cut down on your carbon footprint. Try to buy secondhand whenever possible. When buying new products, look for items that are durable and long-lasting.

11. Use Earth-friendly materials

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When building a house, use earth-friendly materials instead of traditional ones. These materials are not only eco-friendly, but they are also cost-effective. If you want to build a house that lasts for many years, then using these materials is a great idea.

12. Make sure the roof is strong enough

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The roof should be able to withstand heavy rainfalls and snow. When choosing a roofing material, make sure it is durable and long-lasting. You don’t want to spend money on replacing your roof every year.

13. Choose a good insulation system

Insulation is a way to keep warm air inside while keeping cold air outside. There are different types of insulations, including fiberglass, cellulose, and polystyrene foam. Fiberglass is the best type of insulation because it is durable and doesn’t lose its effectiveness over time.



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